Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dillan Miller

Reading secret formula is: #1 Remove Distractions + #2 Take Notes + #6 Set Aside Time to Read = Success.

As soon as I started college I realized I needed a critical change. I felt like I had all the free time in the world to do my work. When I realized I had a few hours of class a week, I wasn’t worried about making time to study. I thought I could put it off until tomorrow. As the days went by, I started putting my work off more and more. I ended up having a few papers, a speech, and online quizzes to take all in one night. All the work had piled up onto one night and I had to get up for class at 7 a.m. the next day. I ended up being up until 4 a.m. that night and still got up for class but it wasn’t the best way to do my work. After this I realized I needed to change something in order to succeed in college.

I began writing down my due dates in places that I would see often. I also wrote down a schedule of all the days I worked and had projects due, so I could know when I had free time. After making this schedule I saw my grades improving and my stress decreasing. I also was remembering things I read easier all because I actually put time aside to do the work.

This class prepared me for my college and career goals. I want to go into the business field and study business management and minor in finance. With both of these fields, a lot of reading will be done. A lot of company reports, policies, rules and regulations are going to need to be know when going into certain business fields. With finance, a lot of reading up on company stocks, and sales, along with laws will need to be read. My career goal is to own my own business and will take a lot of reading to make sure all the paperwork is correct.
This class helped me get the tools I needed to succeed in college and life. Even though it’s something I wasn’t used to, it was better to learn so I can succeed in college and in life.


  1. Dillan, your one sentence sums up everything, "I was remembering things I read easier all because I actually put time aside to do the work." Sometimes, it's not our mind, our intelligence, or even the academic text that is causing us to forget. We just need to set aside enough time to RELAX and enjoy the reading. I know I will see you on the cover of Forbes Magazine some day!

  2. removing distraction really help me too


  3. jacquline salley

    i know how it feels to be up all night because you put everything off to the last night. and its very hard getting up and working on a few hrs of sleep. so im glad you changed your ways

  4. I started doing the same things, this class really helps you schedule time for you to do things and how to get them done faster.
